December 2008

How to make a Folder Icon in GIMP

How to make a folder icon.
the URL is here:
Sorry for the cliffhanger tutorial. I was too lazy to make a new original tutorial, though. You don’t even have to sign up to view it.
The new website features a streamlined design, a full forum, tutorial request form, and more.
I don’t know if this website will be an epicfail or if people will actually go to it yet. We’ll see.

There will be more unique tutorials for the website, but I will still make a tutorial a week for YouTube.

How to create Bubble Text in GIMP

Happy Belated 35th GimpKnowHow Tutorial Day! This is my 35th YouTube tutorial, I know, I do so much for you.
Anyway, my big ego aside, this is a tutorial on how to create some bubblegum text, with the optional bubbles in the background.
I currently have an Exteel ( obsession, and if you want me to utterly destroy you, my call sign is Grimscynth. (I know, I’m a geek like that). I also have been learning the Miss Murder Bass intro for my bass (by AFI), as well as the “They Say” bass part by Scars on Broadway. (That one wasn’t hard) So I have been pretty busy.

This is like a blog, but not really a blog.
Anyway, happy 35th tutorial day! Eat cake.

Slightly Crazy regards,