Triptychs — and nearly one hour of them. In this episode I’ll show you how to combine three images to one good looking set and get some frames and borders around them. Again a layer mask is used to partially edit a picture with the curves tool. For more information and the forum visit: […]
Year: 2011
Meet the GIMP! – E012: RAW, JPEG, TIFF????? What? When? Why? I try to explain the stuff that influences the quality of your images. File formats, compression, sensor size. Each solution has pro and cons — you have to decide what you need and want. All the file formats are explained at Wikipedia. For more information and the forum visit: Home
Meet the GIMP! – E011: RAW converting with UFRaw Edit: Episode 76 covers some new aspects of UFRaw and corrects some mistakes. Look at it too! RAW conversion was a thing a lot of you wanted to know something about. And in this show I tell you how to use the program UFRaw to get RAW images into the Gimp. My job was […]