How To Use Saturation To Make Images Amazing – A Phlearn Video Tutorial

Check out the full post at: http://phlearn.com/saturation-amazing-images

How to use saturation to enhance composition

Creating mood and emotion in images can help give your images that extra touch. Adding and subtracting color in different areas can help create a focal point and balance your composition. Today I go over different blend modes and effects you can use to check color levels in your photos.

Today’s Episode Timeline

0:28 – Announcing last week’s contest winners
2:00 – Analyzing color in an image
2:40 – Using luminosity to analyze saturation levels
6:30 – Create focal point
9:00 – Use hue to check saturation levels
10:34 – Announcing this week’s contest
11:40 – Hubris .

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How To Adjust Hue In Photos – A Phlearn Video Tutorial


Check out the full post at: http://phlearn.com/hue-better-photos

How does hue work?

Hues are much like saturation in that they can completely change the look and feel of a photo. It’s easy to leave the colors the way they were shot, but here we show you how to use them in a way that will help your work. Hue has the power to change the emotional feel of an image as well as make something stand out from its background.

Today’s Episode Timeline

0:30 -Explanation of hue and color wheel
2:45 – Examples of artists that have used these tools successfully, and why they work
3:00 – Putting together the background
7:45 – Trying this method out for ourselves using adjustment layers
12:50 – Show me your images!
13:20- That’s better.
Learn from the greats

Almost every great artist I can think of uses color in an interesting way to enhance their work and help with the overall success of their images. Once you understand the different ways to work with color you can use this to your advantage with your own photos.

Don’t forget to use a color wheel

Color wheels are a great tool and can be purchased for CHEAP on amazon or you can simply use a website. .

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For more tutorials and how to videos check out our extensive Photoshop and photography video channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/PhlearnLLC
We cover everything from Photoshop tutorials, photography tutorials, how to videos and more!

The Basics Of Studium And Punctum In Photo – A Phlearn Video Tutorial

Check out the full post at: http://phlearn.com/punctum-better-image

The Studium and the Punctum

Studium is the element that initially gets your attention. It can be colors, a cool background, a pose, really anything. But the punctum is what Roland describes as the thing that “pricks or bruises.” It’s that rare detail that makes the viewer feel something and pushes the photo even further. The punctum can be an object or expression on someone’s face, something you wouldn’t naturally expect that makes the image more effective.

Today’s Episode Timeline

0:20 -Roland Barthes
1:35 – Defining the terms
2:20 – Analyzing how Katerina Plotnikova uses this principle and more explanation
7:00 – Ways to use a punctum
9:30 – How it can make the image
10:00 – Philosopher you
How can you can apply this to your own work?

A punctum can be anything. If you are looking for ideas try going to through a magazine and looking at random objects then adding that element into one of your photos. Consider what this object could symbolize and how it will change your image to create a narrative .

Show us some examples

Have you used this same idea without realizing it? What are some other artists that use a punctum? .

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For more tutorials and how to videos check out our extensive Photoshop and photography video channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/PhlearnLLC
We cover everything from Photoshop tutorials, photography tutorials, how to videos and more!