What Does Phlearn Mean To You


Check out the full post at: http://phlearn.com/phlearn-mean-to-you

What Does Phlearn Mean To You?

The Holidays are all about spending time with the people you love, and we hope that means the Phamily too.

I am home in Pittsburgh with my parents for Christmas, and give you a quick preview of their life.

After I introduce him, Chris takes over, and does an amazing job relaying what Phlearn is really about. Phlearn is more than just tutorials, we are changing lives.

What You Will Learn

0:30 – Intro to Chris
1:30 – Growing up around scantily clad women
2:00 – How has Phlearn Changed You Life
3:00 – Chris Takes Over
7:10 – Getting the right point of view
12:00 – Chris talks about Ira Glass
14:00 – How we change lives
Your Story

Chris has done a really amazing thing here, opening himself up to the Phamily. I have watched this so many times, and each time, I become very emotional.

Chris is not alone. I receive emails with similar messages every day. Now it is time for your voice. Please remember, that I am just a voice, and that the REAL POWER of Phlearn is the PHAMILY.

How has Phlearn changed you? What does it mean to you? .

Website: http://phlearn.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Phlearn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aknacer
Google+: https://plus.google.com/105267656376269695918/posts

For more tutorials and how to videos check out our extensive Photoshop and photography video channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/PhlearnLLC
We cover everything from Photoshop tutorials, photography tutorials, how to videos and more!

What To Do When People Steal Your Image – A Phlearn Video Tutorial


Check out the full post at: http://phlearn.com/what-i-do-to-people-who-steal-images

There are Thieves Amongst Us

This episode is very time appropriate. I literally just finished making another episode when Beth, Omalix, and Angela told me that someone had stolen one of my photos and claimed it as their own.

Everyone wanted to know what I was planning on doing about it, and how I felt about the matter. That is what Phlearn is all about, here is my response to it.

The Work

I am not going to link to the perp. Here is why – There is no need for me to dramatise this. I know someone else will probably link to it. I know that people will send him hate mail. He will probably take it down, and in a few days the link will be broken anyway.

The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity. – Arthur Balfour

Today’s Episode Timeline

1:00 – How I feel about this person stealing my work.
2:30 – Digital content is losing value
3:30 – Why I feel the way I do.
4:40 – The pressure to succeed
7:10 – The people who are important know, and the people who don’t know, aren’t important.
8:40 – My positive spin on the situation
About The Intern

Everyone deserves a good role model and a second chance. I have seen good people do bad things, and bad people do good things. I have done some crappy things in my life, but I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by people to lift me back up.

I need to believe that there is good in people, and that some people just get misguided. It is our jobs to show them the light, not keep them in the dark. So would I really take a person like this to be an intern? Yes I would. Who knows, that experience just might change their life.

What Would You Do?

What do you think of the situation? Have you ever experienced something similar? Where do you draw the line? .

Website: http://phlearn.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Phlearn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aknacer
Google+: https://plus.google.com/105267656376269695918/posts

For more tutorials and how to videos check out our extensive Photoshop and photography video channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/PhlearnLLC
We cover everything from Photoshop tutorials, photography tutorials, how to videos and more!

How to Cut Images Out of Background

Our #1 PRO Tutorial ever is now on Sale! https://phlearn.com/popular

A Much Easier Way to Draw

If you have ever had a really hard time making a layer mask or retouching someone’s skin, this cool tip will really help you.

This seems like a really silly tool, but it actually does make painting in Photoshop much easier. I know that when I draw on a normal piece of paper, I am always rotating it around to make my lines better and to make it more comfortable. This is basically the same thing.

We all have a natural motion that our hands move in, this is consistent whether you are using a mouse or a tablet. Trying to make well controlled strokes that go against that motion often results in failure.

Or you are like me, and twist your head and neck around every time you do something to the point of near injury.


I make it pretty obvious in this video that I don’t really know what this means. I know one of you brilliant Phamily members does though. Help us out!

Your Tricks

Have you learned any cool tips or trick when it comes to Photoshop or photography lately?
Let us know what they are – The coolest tip will get a Phlearn PRO.





BUY THE TABLET AARON USES! https://phlearn.com/tablet

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Check out the full post at: http://phlearn.com/hate-cutting-things-out