How To Come Up With Great Ideas: Photo Shoot
What do you do when you have no ideas for a photo shoot? This is something we will all face from time to time, and today we are talking about some great techniques on how to come up with ideas, pre-visualize, make props, and work out the details of a shoot before a shoot happens.
Check out the full post at:
Today’s Episode Timeline
0:30 -Deciding what Amelia will be on Twitter
0:40 – Shout Out to Chad North for sending my an awesome shirt
1:30 – Going over everything we are going to be using for our new shoot
2:30 – Sketching out a shoot idea
4:20 – Great tips on how to make your sketch come to life
9:00 – How to make a miniature for a photo shoot
10:20 – The best ways to come up with ideas!
12:10 – Time for the photo shoot!
12:30 – Using a Gradient Map to Color Your Image
13:40 – Extreme Power with the Channel Mixer
17:30 – Showing Color Depth vs Hue/Sat
18:30 – Everything Else!
Amelia Comes To Phlearn
We are really excited to have Amelia Fletcher on the Phlearn Team full time. She will be working as our content coordinator, basically making sure that a lot more awesome happens. This means photo shoots, videos, behind the scenes, production, tutorials, images, and more!
My Favorite Way To Come Up With Ideas
Everyone has their own ritual for coming up with ideas for photo shoots. They all seem to have something in common, you can’t force ideas.
I have a way of forcing myself that is not forcing myself. It always results in a plethora of ideas, and they are always fresh. Basically I just start drawing on paper, lines shapes, and with nothing in mind. In the same way that you can make familiar objects come to life in looking at clouds, your brain will try to make some sense of the madness.
In the process of making randomness, your brain adds order, and you will actually see something in the chaos. This is great because it is often VERY suprising what you see. It can be something you would have never thought of on your own.
How Do You Do It?
Amelia says the shower is the perfect time for ideas to come to her, what works for you?? .
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