Youtube Photoshop Tutorials

PHAN WEEK: Create a Vintage Photo in Photoshop

How to Make a Vintage Photo in Photoshop
There are many things that go into making an image appear vintage in Photoshop, and this episode highlights all the techniques you may need to make your photos look aged.

Vintage Coloring
Vintage photos tend to lose a bit of their color over time and take on a brown or sepia tone. We have found the best way to re-create this color is through a gradient map in Photoshop.

We show you how to set your white point and black point to variations of brown. By placing this layer above all other layers in Photoshop, it will color your entire photo.

Adding Texture to a Photo in Photoshop
In this episode we add texture over our image to make it look distressed and old. When using textures over your images be sure to try different layer blending modes. We use a screen blend mode to make the darks disappear and the lights show. You can also adjust your texture levels, making darks even darker or lights lighter. Depending on your changes your texture will either become more or less visible.


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