Youtube Photoshop Tutorials

The Best Way to Use Lens Flares in Photoshop

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Lens Flares

When are flares appropriate in photos? Why can’t you customize the Photoshop lens flare filters?? In today’s episode, we show you the best way to use lens flares in photoshop and answer those burning questions!

Be Appropriate!

The first step in using lens flares is knowing when they make sense in an image, and when they do not. If the light is coming from anywhere behind the subject (aka backlit), there will be flare in the camera. You can also think in terms of the camera; as long as the camera sees the light source, flare will occur.

Defy the Rules!

Create a new layer and go to Filter – Render – Lens Flare. A dialogue box will pop up telling you that the action you’re trying to complete is not allowed. (Gasp!) So, we have to wiggle around the rules a bit.

Create a stamp visible layer by clicking Shift + Option + Command + E. This is a layer that you can make a lens flare on. Woohoo! Now, hold Shift + Delete and fill the layer with black. Go back to the Filter menu and choose Lens Flare at the very top of the menu (this will repeat the last lens flare you created).

All you have left to do is change the blend mode to screen, and you are able to edit the lens flare however you’d like. Some things we suggest are changing the hue, saturation, and adding a gaussian blur.

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