Building a Mobile App with Adobe Creative Cloud | Adobe Creative Cloud

Creative Cloud provides the tools you need to build standards-based HTML5 applications for multiple screens. Learn how to use Adobe Edge Reflow CC to create responsive layouts, code your project using Edge Code CC, test and debug on multiple devices with Edge Inspect CC, and package quickly and easily for distribution across app stores with Adobe PhoneGap Build.

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Adobe Creative Cloud gives you the world’s best creative apps so you can turn your brightest ideas into your greatest work across your desktop and mobile devices.

Publish your site with Adobe Web Hosting | Adobe Creative Cloud

In this movie, James Fritz walks through how to publish a test site from Muse to Adobe Web Hosting (formerly Business Catalyst) with an easy and code-free publishing service.

More Adobe Muse tutorials on helpx.adobe.com: https://helpx.adobe.com/muse/tutorials.html?sdid=H4B1XYD1&mv=social

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Adobe Creative Cloud gives you the world’s best creative apps so you can turn your brightest ideas into your greatest work across your desktop and mobile devices.

Converting Imported Vector Graphics from Illustrator to Shape Layers | Adobe Creative Cloud

In this video, you will see how to quickly convert vector
graphics from Illustrator to shape layers and animate the paths in After Effects CS6. In previous versions, this would have involved a great deal of tedious cutting and pasting – but no more.

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Adobe Creative Cloud gives you the world’s best creative apps so you can turn your brightest ideas into your greatest work across your desktop and mobile devices.