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Sundance 2017: Pillow Talk with Joshua: Teenager vs Superpower

We’re getting up close and personal with a twist. We’re in bed with the director and producer of “Joshua: Teenager vs Superpower” at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival. Join us as we talk to Joe Piscatella and Matthew Torne about their work on the film. We’ll also be picking their brains for thoughts on what’s next in storytelling and the experiences for viewers.

About “Joshua: Teenager vs Superpower”
Joshua Wong is not your typical Hong Kong college student. Inside the bespectacled, unassuming teenager simmers a fierce political activist whose question for his compatriots is simple: Why should China decide our values? Armed with a political philosophy of Scholarism and enormous cojones, Wong is so deeply committed to his convictions that he’s willing to go up against anyone, including the Chinese regime, to fight for them.

Amid the glistening cityscape, filmmaker Joe Piscatella shows us another side of Hong Kong—where a new generation, in defiance of the ghosts of Tiananmen Square, has asserted its identity against the mood of disillusionment that ignited mass protests in 2014. A powerful, charismatic spokesperson, Joshua comes of age on screen as he rallies tens of thousands to civil disobedience as part of a 79-day campaign to shut down Hong Kong’s financial district. Determined not to “dump this problem on the next generation,” Joshua risks it all and doubles down as the crackdown intensifies, becoming the face of a movement in the process.



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