April 2017

How to Create Beautiful Portraits in MS Paint

Enter the #AprilPhools contest and Download the Images Here: https://phlearn.com/paintmaster

With so many robust features like Zoom and Erase, for 32 years Microsoft paint has challenged artists to dream bigger. It’s told them to not accept limits on their digital creations and demand the ability to copy and paste, to crop and resize, to fill in a color, to imagine a better world…

Much like Photoshop, opening Microsoft Paint for the first time can be an intimidating experience. You just want to create your Grumpy Cat meme, why does this program have to be some complicated!?!?

Have no fear, Aaron Nace and the Phlearn team are here to help you with our brand new tutorial, Phlearn’s Ultimate Guide to Microsoft Paint.

NOTE: If you are on Mac, you can use a tool like Paintbrush (https://paintbrush.sourceforge.io/) to practice your Paint skills. The Phlearn staff has downloaded and verified its Paint-like functionality.

Enter the #AprilPhools Contest

Ok, here’s the deal. We want to see your Microsoft Paint masterpieces and we want to reward you for your amazing talent. To enter the #AprilPhools contest, all you need to do is the following:

Download the contest images here: https://phlearn.com/paintmaster

Your submission can only use the six images Phlearn has provided in the download below to create your submission. You can use one of them, two, three, four, five, or all six. It’s up to you!

Create your masterpiece using only Microsoft Paint (or Paintbrush for Mac).

Submit your entry by posting to either Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook with the hashtag #AprilPhools. If you post via Facebook you must make sure your post is published as a Public post, otherwise we will not be able to see it.

Your entry will be judged on the following criteria: humor, editing talent, and overall creativity. Make us laugh while showing off your talent!

The contest deadline is Weds April 5th, 2017 at 12:00pm (noon) Central Standard Time. All entries must be submitted prior to that deadline.

Winners will be announced via email and on this page on Thursday, April 6th.

#AprilPhools Prizes

– One Grand Prize Winner: $250 Phlearn Gift Card
– Five Runners Up: $50 Phlearn Gift Cards

Download the Contest Images

Porträt: Farbaufteilung mit Luminanzmasken in Gimp 2.9

Porträt: Farbaufteilung mit Luminanzmasken in Gimp 2.9
Anpassungen über Werte – Farbabgleich – Sättigung. Zuvor jedoch G‘MIC: Faded analog.
Foto: https://pixabay.com/de/rauchen-frauen-zigarette-teenager-2076811/
Gimp Links
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