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Build a website to give your movement cred | Adobe Creative Cloud

Learn how to create a website to give your movement cred using Adobe Muse CC.

Start from scratch, or download practice file [] for a head start.

1. Open Muse and select “Get up and running fast with our Starter Files.”
2. Click the Download link for the template you’d like to use, and then open the template in Muse. (File – Open Site – LooLoo.muse).

Tip: This example uses the LooLoo template. You can also download it from You may see a notification that assets have been updated, click OK to link to the latest images.

3. Double-click the LOOLOO page to open it in Design mode.

Tip: If the Muse file contains fonts that you do not have, you can sync fonts from Typekit. Check out Tap into a library of available fonts for more information.

4. Select the Text tool from the toolbar, double-click the text “LooLoo,” choose Josefin Light from the Text panel (Window – Text), set the font size to 60, and change the text. Change the text as necessary on the other parts of the page.
5. Delete the “Loo” text box at the top left of the design.
6. Select the Selection tool from the toolbar, click the black rectangle on the side, and change the Fill color to gray.
7. Right-click the main image, select Replace Background Image, and replace it with bkg_01.jpg, or use your own.
8. Choose File – Place, select LOGO_KITTENS_AGAINST_LITTERING-01.png (or your own image), and then place the file as the logo in the top left of the design. Shift-drag the handles to resize.
9. Publish your site.

That’s it!

To learn more, visit our Muse tutorials page (



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