Artist Elise Swopes, has made an entire, full time career from snapping pics with just her phone. Now, she works with major brands. Find out how Elise went from creating Kid Pix on an old iMac to rapping at SXSW to 272K followers on Instagram. Josh gets the inside info from Elise on location from […]
Month: February 2018
Whisker Menu zu Docky hinzufügen
Whisker Menu zu Docky hinzufügen Unter der Linux XFCE Arbeitsumgebung lässt sich das Whisker Menu nutzen. Wer das Dock Docky benutzt, der kann auf einfache Art und Weise, dass Menü zum Dock hinzufügen. Zuerst schalten wir das Docky Icon per gconftool aus: Tastatur Befehl Alt+F2 Docky Icon off gconftool-2 –type Boolean –set /apps/docky-2/Docky/Items/DockyItem/ShowDockyItem False Docky […]
Scarlett Johannson: Soft Dreamy Effect with Gimp 2.9.8
Scarlett Johannson: Soft Dreamy Effect with Gimp 2.9.8 This video features the photo: Scarlet by lincolnlt2001 This video features the song: Title: Between Our Lies (Original Mix) 2k10 Author: Ø M A Y T Source: License: Royalty Free Music found @ Gimp Links Entwicklerversion 2.9 Download-Index Quelltexte der Gimp-Komponenten […]