April 2018

Adobe Youth Coding Initiative – Girls and Coding

Women make up half of the U.S. workforce, but hold just 25% of the jobs in technical or computing fields. Adobe is committed to closing that gap. Watch this video, get inspired, and introduce girls you know to the opportunities offered by our coding partners: Girls Who Code, Black Girls Code and Iridescent. Help them discover the possibilities that are waiting for them.

Learn more about Adobe’s Youth Coding Initiative at http://adobe.ly/AdobeYCI

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Adobe’s Community Initiatives: Product Donations

What stories do our world heritage sites tell? Adobe is proud to provide nonprofit partner, Cyark, with its products to further its social mission: to create a free, 3D digital library of the Earth’s cultural heritage sites before they are lost to natural disasters, destroyed by human aggression, or ravaged by the passage of time. Hear Cyark’s story, and what compels them to digitally preserve our world history.

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Adobe Youth Coding Initiative: Cracking the Diversity Code

The world needs more programmers to build products, fix problems and move our economies forward. Adobe’s Youth Coding Initiative works to address the shortage by providing educational opportunities to underrepresented youth.

Learn about our Youth Coding Initiative: http://adobe.ly/1TfJTgh

Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/adobe

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