June 2018

Getting Started in Adobe XD: Creating a Music App (Part 2 of 2)

Learn the fundamentals of UI/UX design and get started in Adobe XD with Paul Trani on https://www.behance.net/live ! Follow along as Paul designs and prototypes a music app in the second of a two part series.

Then join us on Adobe Live, Tuesday at 9am PT to use what you’ve learned and work alongside three professional UI/UX Designers! Find out what inspires them, how they problem solve and what it takes to create engaging UI/UX designs.

► Click HERE to watch LIVE: http://bit.ly/AdobeLiveBe
► Click HERE to watch REPLAYS: http://bit.ly/AdobeLiveReplays
► View our SCHEDULE: http://bit.ly/AdobeLiveSchedule

Paul Trani is a Senior Worldwide Evangelist for Adobe focusing on all things UX/UI and design related. Despite his 25 years of experience he still approaches life with the excitement of a 10 year old with crayons. You can follow his tutorials (and his slightly improved drawings) on social media:

► Behance: https://www.behance.net/paultrani
► Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ptrani
► Twitter: http://twitter.com/paultrani
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paulryantrani

Gimp 2.10: Objekte einfärben durch Farben drehen

In diesem Tutorial zeige ich, wie man durch den Filter Farben drehen, Objekte einfärben kann.
Dieses Tutorial ist auch für Einsteiger, Umsteiger, Anfänger sowie Fortgeschrittene geeignet.
Photo by alan King on Unsplas

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