June 2018

Review of ON1 Photo Raw 2018 vs Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, should you buy?

I look at ON1 Photo Raw 2018 and compare it to Lightroom and Photoshop.
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ON1 Photo Raw is a competitor to Adobe’s Lightroom and Photoshop programs for editing Raw photos. I give an overview of the program and talk about why you should or should not purchase it.

ON1 Photo Raw website: https://www.on1.com/products/photo-raw/

Download project files here: https://www.georgepeirson.com/hpfq

This review includes a full overview of the edit software program plus demonstrations on how to do several basic activities.

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video and description copyright 2018 George Peirson all rights reserved

Gimp 3.0: Entwicklerversion – HiDPI

Ich bitte um Nachsicht, scheinbar ist mein Mikrofoneingang defekt. (Balance stimmt nicht)
In der Entwicklerversion hin zu Gimp 3.0, dass komplett in GTK-3 ( Gimp Tool Kit 3 ) portiert sein wird, ist die Unterstützung von HiDPI enthalten. Hier ein kleiner Vorgeschmack.
Photo by Mean Shadows on Unsplash

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