July 2018

Gimp 2.10 und Darktable: Raw-File zum alten Schwarz-Weiß-Foto umwandeln

Liebe Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten, an diesem heißen Tag heute, spreche ich nicht, sondern unterlege das Tutorial mit Musik. Nein, ich möchte niemandem meinen Musikgeschmack aufdrängen und wem die Musik nicht gefällt, der schalte sie einfach im Videoplayer von YouTube ab. Um das Video anzuhalten, wenn man nicht mitkommt, einfach mit der Maus auf das Video klicken, dann hält es an. Mit den Vor und Rücktasten auf der Tastatur, kann man das Video jeweils 5 Sekundenweise vor oder zurück spulen.
Vielen Dank für euer Verständnis.
Foto: https://www.wesaturate.com/photo/c9DXSUL6

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Dokumentationen : Die FX-Foundry 117 auf einen Streich
Gimp Scripte
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Advance Blemish Removal – Photoshop Tips Tricks Tutorial

The Adjustment Layers in Photoshop are a group of a super useful, non-destructive image editing tools that add color and tonal adjustments to your image without permanently changing its pixels.

Join Arunz Creation Vol19 Class and learn in-depth the below core fundamental concepts of photography, Photoshop, Lightroom CC, Lighting

– Subject Knowledge
-Fundamental of Editing
-Lightroom Post Processing
-Lightroom cc from Basic to Advance
-Lightroom Color Correction
-Lightroom Color Grading
-Understanding in depth Lightroom cc with theory and practical examples
-Fundamental of Photoshop
-Camera Raw
-How to Process Raw photos
-Digital Manipulation
-Background Change
– Digital Post Processing
-Skin Retouching
-Advance Photo Manipulation
– Fundamentals of photography
– White Balance
– Exposure Triangle Parameters of ISO, Aperture and Shutter speed
– Metering and exposure compensation
– Focusing Modes and Focusing Points
– Composition
– Understanding Lighting
– Low light photography
– Getting that sharp image with good colours
– Understanding your equipment and shooting techniques

Join Arunz creation Volume 19 for a complete knowledge of photography, Photoshop, Lightroom, and lighting.
Call on 9872599659 for registering.

Adobe Lightroom for Beginners Adjustment Brush Black and White with Color Classic CC 6 5 Tutorial

How to use the Adobe Lightroom Adjustment Brush
► Get my Lightroom Courses Online https://www.georgepeirson.com/lightroom-expert
► Get my Courses on DVD – Amazon https://www.georgepeirson.com/amazon-lightroom

The BEST way to learn Lightroom is with my complete training courses along with my YouTube projects. It is the perfect learning system.

I show you how to take a color photo and convert the background to black and white with color subject using the Adobe Lightroom Adjustment Brush.

Project Files: https://www.georgepeirson.com/lightroom-adjustment-brush-black-and-white-with-color

This training video was recorded in Lightroom Classic CC but the techniques used will work just as well in other versions of Lightroom as well. This comprehensive video takes you step-by-step through the complete process from beginning images clear through to the final composite image.

This is just one of my many tutorials. You can view more Tutorial Videos in these YouTube Playlists:


Photoshop Effects

Photoshop Photo Retouching


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video and description copyright 2018 George Peirson all rights reserved