Photoshop Elements Rain Drops with Background Change and Merge Photos 2018 15 14 13 12 Tutorial

How to Merge Photos for a Window Still Life Look with Replacing Background and Adding Rain Drops to a Window in Photoshop Elements
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This Adobe Photoshop Elements project combines several photographs with effects and filters to create a whole new look and give an atmospheric rainy day effect.
The techniques in this project including removal and change of background, merge photos, and the rain effects will work just as well in Adobe Photoshop.

Project Files Free Download: https://www.georgepeirson.com/59zf

This comprehensive video takes you step-by-step through the complete process from beginning images clear through to the final composite image. This training demo was recorded in Photoshop Elements 2018 but the techniques used will work just as well in Photoshop Elements 11 through the latest Photoshop Elements.

This is just one of my numerous Photoshop Elements online tutorials. You can view more Photoshop Elements Tutorial Videos in these YouTube Playlists:

Adobe Photoshop Elements Essentials

Adobe Photoshop Elements Holidays

Adobe Photoshop Elements Photo Retouching

Check out my YouTube channel for all of my Photoshop Elements online tutorials. http://www.youtube.com/user/howtogurus


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video and description copyright 2018 George Peirson all rights reserved

Degradations – Blur (angular) – von GMIC in Gimp 2.9.8

Degradations – Blur (angular) – von GMIC in Gimp 2.9.8
Unter dem Menü Degradations in GMIC, findet man den Effektfilter Blur (angular).
Mit diesem Filter lässt sich eine kreisrunde Unschärfe erzeugen. Der Parameter Amplitude steuert dabei die Stärke der Verdrehung. Sharpness steuert den Schärfegrad. X-Center und Y-center definieren den Drehpunkt, der durch Preview guides im Vorschaufenster angezeigt werden kann. Zusätzlich lassen sich unter Channel (s) die zu bearbeitenden Kanäle auswählen. Value action legt das Randverhalten fest.
Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash
This video features the song
Author: Soft Wasp
Source: https://soundcloud.com/softwasp/ghosts
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Royalty Free Music found @ https://starfrosch.com

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