May 2019

Design’s Impact on the Customer Experience | Adobe Creative Cloud

Creative and design leaders from Dropbox, JLL, Uber and Showtime share how design helps their brands foster deeper connections with customers.



Adobe Creative Cloud gives you the world’s best creative apps so you can turn your brightest ideas into your greatest work across your desktop and mobile devices.

Make Complex Selections with Photoshop | Adobe Creative Cloud

Isolate a detailed subject from its background and create a new composition. Featured artist: Temi Coker. Check out more of his work here:

Start from scratch, or download practice files [ ] for a head start. Steps below.

Select and Mask:
1. Open the Photoshop document provided above.
2. Choose the Quick Selection tool, then choose Select and Mask.
Note: Photoshop opens the Select and Mask workspace where you can isolate a subject in a photo more easily.
3. Choose the Quick Selection tool in the Select and Mask workspace and brush over the model.
Tip: You can choose Overlay from the View Mode options to display a red mask that highlights the areas you have selected with the brush.
4. Choose the Refine Edge Brush tool to clean up the edges of your selection. Zoom in to see the details of the edges.
Tip: The Refine Edge Brush tool is particularly helpful with selecting the complex details of hair.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the Properties panel in the Select and Mask workspace and choose Output to – Layer Mask. Click OK.
Make an arrangement:
1. Drag the flower image from your computer into the Photoshop document. Rotate and move the image into the desired position. Press Return or Enter to place the image.
Tip: When the flower image is still active, hover outside one of the corner handles and drag to rotate. Then click on the image and drag to move.
2. Choose the Quick Selection tool, then Select Subject to select the flowers separate from the background.
3. Clean up the selection: Choose Select and Mask. Then use the Refine Edge Brush tool and brush over the flower to remove the remaining bits of background.
Tip: You can choose On Layers from the View Modes drop down to see how the selection will appear when placed into the composition.
4. Output the flower selection to a Layer Mask. Click OK.
Tip: Click the layer mask (white thumbnail on the layer) and paint with a black brush over parts of the stem you’d like to hide.
5. Duplicate the adjusted flower layer. Rotate, flip, resize, and move the flower as desired. Repeat until you are happy with the arrangement.
Tip: Move a flower layer below the model layer to have the flowers appear behind the model.

Adjust tones and add highlights:
1. Adjust curves: Select the model layer, then click the Adjustment layer icon and choose Curves. Pull down on the bottom left of the curve to adjust the dark tones for contrast.
2. Use Alt (or option) + click between the Curves adjustment layer and the model layer. This creates a clipping mask so the curves adjustment only applies to the model layer and not the layers below it.
3. Add highlights: Add a new layer above the curves adjustment layer and choose the Brush tool. Brush along the sides of the model’s face.
4. Use Alt (or option) + click between the new layer and the Curves adjustment layer to create a clipping mask.
Tip: We used a wide brush set to a tone from the flowers (#c7773c) and lowered the Opacity.
5. Set the Blend Mode to Color Dodge.

That’s it!

To learn, more visit our Photoshop Tutorials page:



Adobe Creative Cloud gives you the world’s best creative apps so you can turn your brightest ideas into your greatest work across your desktop and mobile devices.

Gimp 2.10.10 – Wie man einen sommerlichen Foto Effekt erzeugen kann

Da es nun mit großen Schritten auf den Sommer zugeht, zeige ich in meinem Tutorial 1085, wie man in einem Foto, den sommerlichen Look verbessern kann.
Dies ist ein Workflow, der auf eigene Fotos angepasst werden sollte.
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