July 2019

Gimp 2.10.12 Lernvideo: Eigene Farblooks kreieren

In diesem #Gimp #Tutorial, #Lernvideo zeige ich, wie man #schnell und #unkompliziert, eigene #Farblooks durch den Filter #Einfärben #kreieren kann. Bleib zu hoffen, dass die #Gimp #Entwickler uns eines Tages wie bei #Photoshop die Möglichkeit bieten, diese‚ #Farblooks #exportieren und dann auch #wiederverwenden können.
Foto: https://gratisography.com/photo/pink-lipstick/
Viel Freude
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Adobe @ VidCon 2019 – Day Two

Don’t miss all the action from Day Two of VidCon 2019. Each year, VidCon is a celebration that showcases the creativity humming within all of us, whether you’re a YouTube creator, student filmmaker, social media pro, or just starting out. We’re returning to VidCon to empower a generation of fearless storytellers to tap into their creativity and use their limitless imagination to create their story.

Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/adobe

Facebook: http://facebook.com/adobe
Twitter: http://twitter.com/adobe
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/adobe

Adobe @ VidCon 2019 – Day One

Don’t miss all the action from Day One of VidCon 2019. Each year, VidCon is a celebration that showcases the creativity humming within all of us, whether you’re a YouTube creator, student filmmaker, social media pro, or just starting out. We’re returning to VidCon to empower a generation of fearless storytellers to tap into their creativity and use their limitless imagination to create their story.

Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/adobe

Facebook: http://facebook.com/adobe
Twitter: http://twitter.com/adobe
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/adobe