Thema des Superfilters GMIC-QT anpassen, mit Kvantum-Manager Einige QT-Anwendungen sind in Gnome und anderen Gtk-basierten Desktopumgebungen unpassend. Damit Qt5-Anwendungen auf dem Linux-Desktop ordentlich aussehen, kann man Kvantum ausprobieren. Kvantum ist eine SVG-basierte Design-Engine für Qt4 und Qt5, Kde und LXQT. Mit dieser Funktion können man Qt4- und Qt5-Software nicht nur nahezu vollständig an das aktuelles […]
Year: 2019
Photoshop QUICK Tip: “Stroke Smoothing” (CC 2018 and later).
Photoshop CC 2019 quick tip tutorial for CC 2018 and later showing how to use “Stroke Smoothing”, which smooths out your your brush, pencil or eraser strokes. Royalty-Free Music provided by High quality, copyright-free music for YouTube. Music track: “First Light ” Subscribe to Blue Lightning TV!: Become a Channel Member: Support […]
GIMP 2.10 Color Temperature Tool In-Depth Overview
In this tutorial, I provide a comprehensive look at both the Color Temperature tool for image adjustments, as well as some concepts and theory behind color temperature. I talk about the spectrum of light bulb color temperatures, as well as the difference in color temperature between the different times of day. This tutorial is a […]