Youtube Photoshop Tutorials

How to Make a Print Mockup in Photoshop | Adobe Creative Cloud

Display your design in a book layout and apply realistic form and lighting with Transform tools and Layer Styles.

Start from scratch, or download practice files [] for a head start. Steps below.

Prep your files:

1. Open the page design and the book layout images from the practice files (File – Open).

Tip: It is important to use assets that work well together. The page design we provided roughly matches the dimensions of the book mockup from Adobe Stock.

2. Use Shift+click to select all the page design layers if they are not already selected.
3. Choose Convert to Smart Object from the flyout menu of the Layers (Window – Layers) panel.

Tip: Creating a Smart Object allows you to go back and make changes to the page design even after it has been added to the book mockup.

Add the design to the book layout:

1. Choose the Selection (V) tool and drag the new Smart Object layer to the tab of the open book mockup document.
2. When the book document activates, drag the page design layer on top of the mockup.
3. Use Control+T (Windows) or Command+T (macOS) to open the Transform tool.
4. Reposition and rotate the page design to roughly match the angle of the left page.

Transform the design:

1. With the page design layer selected, choose Edit – Transform – Distort.
2. Drag each corner of the page design to align them with the corners of the left page.

Tip: You can also hold down Control (Windows) or Command (macOS) as you drag each corner.

3. Choose Edit – Transform – Warp.
4. Adjust each handle to align the edges with the curves of the page.
5. Press Enter or Return when finished.

Create lighting:

1. Double-click the page design layer to open the Layer Styles dialog.
2. Click the Gradient Overlay label.
3. Click the Gradient field and choose the black, white gradient from the Basics category. Click OK.
4. Choose the following settings:

a. Blend Mode: Multiply
b. Opacity: 90%
c. Angle: -170
d. Scale: 15%

5. With the Layer Style dialog still open, use the Selection tool to drag the gradient and reposition it along the seam of the page.

Tip: Experiment by moving the gradient left and right to see how much of a shadow you want to create.

6. Still working with the Layer Style settings, click the + icon next to the Gradient Overlay to add a second gradient.
7. Adjust the Opacity and Scale. Choose the following settings:

a. Opacity: 40%
b. Scale: 30%

8. Drag the gradient slightly to the left, away from the seam of the page.
9. Click the + icon to add a third Gradient Overlay.
10. Set the Blend Mode to Screen.
11. Drag the gradient on the artwork to reposition the highlight over the left side of the page.
12. Click OK when you are done.

Blend the design with the paper grain:

1. Choose Filter – Noise – Add noise.
2. Change the Amount to 12%.
3. Check the Monochrome box.

That’s it!

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