June 2021

Inkscape 1.1’s New Welcome Screen and Templates | DMD Clips


Inkscape 1.1 now comes with a professional looking welcome screen that makes it easy to customize Inkscape when you first install it, including an option to change your keyboard to match other program keyboards like Illustrator or Corel Draw for those of you switching from other programs. It also comes with a new Templates tab with tons of free templates to help you open the right size document for your projects. Templates include those for web, print, and social (including for ads and video).

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Want to make your GIMP theme look like mine? Check out this GIMP tutorial article:

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#Inkscape #InkscapeBasics #VectorGraphics

Slice Shapes Non-Destructively with This New Inkscape Live Path Effect | DMD Clips


Inkscape introduced a new Live Path Effect that allows you to non-destructively slice any shape, object, or path. With this tool, you can slice a shape or path from any angle, and can even slice the shape more than once. You can change the location of the slicing as well as the orientation. Plus, because the feature is non-destructive, you can click on the new shape(s) at any time and remove the live path effect. I show you how to use this new feature in this clip.

This is a clip from my What’s New in Inkscape 1.1 video, which you can watch in its entirety here:

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#InkscapeTutorials #InkscapeJPEG #VectortoJPEG

You Can Now Export to JPEG in Inkscape 1.1 (Plus Other Formats) | DMD Clips


You can now export to JPEG in Inkscape! The free vector graphics software recently introduced the feature with its latest stable-release version – Inkscape 1.1 – along with the ability to export to additional formats not previously available in the program.

This is a clip from my What’s New in Inkscape 1.1 video, which you can watch in its entirety here:

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#InkscapeTutorials #InkscapeJPEG #VectortoJPEG