August 2021

Alien Wildlife Biologist Character Design with Chris Blackstock – 2 of 2

Join Chris Blackstock on Adobe Live as he draws an alien wildlife biologist using Photoshop. Watch as Chris walks you through the character design process, from ideation and sketching to final design. Stick around to help Chris explore his new character and create different scenes for the biologist.

Guest Chris Blackstock is an Illustrator, concept artist, taste-maker, donut eater, based in CA: |

Host Codi Bear is an illustrator based in Portland, Oregon:

Join us LIVE on Behance:

Photoshop Daily Creative Challenge – Gradients

Challenge: Create nature-inspired textures and surfaces using gradient maps, brushes and blending modes.
Get the starter file here:

Join your host VooDoo Val each morning at 9:00am PT to learn how to approach each challenge using Photoshop. Complete 9 challenges by Friday, August 6th and you’ll be on your way to sharpening your skills. Get your questions answered, see what the community is creating and get feedback on your work!

To sign up and get started, go to:

The New Show with Paul Trani – Episode 23

Start fresh every week with your host, Paul Trani on “The File ► New Show” – Adobe Live’s morning variety show! Stay up-to-date on all things Adobe Live as Paul sneaks new features, highlights community members, and gets you ready for an epic week of creative live streams.

Host Paul Trani is an Adobe Principal Worldwide Evangelist based in Colorado:

Connect with Paul:
► Behance:​
► Instagram:​
► Twitter:​
► Facebook:​
Watch LIVE on Behance: