#ProjectStyleBlast | Adobe Summit Sneaks 2022

Every day, our inboxes are flooded with a barrage of automated emails that do little else besides give us yet another task to do — namely, marking them all as unread without reading or unsubscribing altogether. Whether unexpected, irrelevant, or had a subject line fOrmAtTeD liKe tHiS, we bet you didn’t hesitate to trash them or leave that brand on read.

While you’re not killing unnecessary trees or contributing to an environmentally unfriendly world by trashing emails, you might be missing out on interesting information from brands you love.
So, how can brands make sure they’re not just another email in a haystack? The answer is simple: be relevant, inviting, and personal.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a tool that helps achieve these three things? Project Style Blast helps email designers determine the most effective way to reach their customers by ensuring the content is relevant and warrants their precious time and attention.

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