March 2022

Self-Portrait Composites in Photoshop with Alexus Roberts – 2 of 2

Join photography and artist Alexus Roberts on Adobe Live where she will take you through her process of creating pieces for her series “In My Head”. Follow along during this 2-day series and learn how she uses self-portraits and Adobe stock to create amazing composites in Photoshop. Stick around for tips and tricks on self-portrait photography and how to set up your images for success!

Guest Alexus Roberts is a photographer specializing in product, branding, stop-motion, and composites, based in Atlanta, GA:

Host Idara Ekpoh is a Nigerian-American photographer, creative director, and educator based in Arizona:

Join us LIVE on Behance:

Self-Portrait Composites in Photoshop with Alexus Roberts – 1 of 2

Join photography and artist Alexus Roberts on Adobe Live where she will take you through her process of creating pieces for her series “In My Head”. Follow along during this 2-day series and learn how she uses self-portraits and Adobe stock to create amazing composites in Photoshop. Stick around for tips and tricks on self-portrait photography and how to set up your images for success!

Guest Alexus Roberts is a photographer specializing in product, branding, stop-motion, and composites, based in Atlanta, GA:

Host Idara Ekpoh is a Nigerian-American photographer, creative director, and educator based in Arizona:


Join us LIVE on Behance: