August 2022

Drawing for Environment Design with Chris Blackstock – 2 of 2

Join illustrator and concept artist Chris Blackstock on Adobe Live as he explores environment design and why it’s just as important as the characters. Learn how to use your environment design to further the story using elements that reference your characters’ personalities and leave clues for the viewer about their life and past actions. Tune in on day 1, as he takes you through his process of working around characters to create story elements and start sketching. Stay tuned for Day 2 as Chris finishes the design, adds color, and makes a final piece!

Guest Chris Blackstock is an Illustrator, concept artist, taste-maker, and donut eater, based in CA: |

Host Daniel Flores (DTM, DaCreativeGenius) is a multidisciplinary artist based in Atlanta, GA:

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Photography Masterclass – How to Use Lightroom and Photoshop on Mobile

Welcome to Terry White’s Photography Masterclass! In this class, Terry will show you how to take advantage of Lightroom and Photoshop on mobile. Yes, you can do a professional photography workflow, including editing on your mobile devices.

Host Terry White is a photographer and Adobe Evangelist based in Atlanta, GA:
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See more of Terry’s photography here:

Digital Makeup | Photoshop Photo Editing Challenge

CHALLENGE: Use blending modes and brushes to create a makeup look on a photo.
Get your starter files here:

Join your host Sam Peterson each morning at 9:00am PT to learn how to approach each challenge using Photoshop. Get your questions answered, see what the community is creating and get feedback on your work!

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