#EarthDay2022 Cinematic Short Film of the Outdoors with James Bonanno

Continuing the celebration of Earth Day, content creator James Bonanno is going to edit a short video using Premiere Pro. Tune in to help James with his project and learn how to create a short film for your website or portfolio. Follow along as James cuts, color corrects, creates graphics, and adds music to his video. Stick around for tips and tricks on how to capture high-quality video and audio for your own film!

Guest James Bonanno is a creative director and content creator: https://www.jamesbonanno.com/

Host Paco Siller is the Studio Manager and Video Producer for Adobe Live based in San Francisco, CA: https://www.behance.net/franciscosiller
Join us LIVE on Behance: https://www.behance.net/adobelive