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What Does Phlearn Mean To You?
The Holidays are all about spending time with the people you love, and we hope that means the Phamily too.
I am home in Pittsburgh with my parents for Christmas, and give you a quick preview of their life.
After I introduce him, Chris takes over, and does an amazing job relaying what Phlearn is really about. Phlearn is more than just tutorials, we are changing lives.
What You Will Learn
0:30 – Intro to Chris
1:30 – Growing up around scantily clad women
2:00 – How has Phlearn Changed You Life
3:00 – Chris Takes Over
7:10 – Getting the right point of view
12:00 – Chris talks about Ira Glass
14:00 – How we change lives
Your Story
Chris has done a really amazing thing here, opening himself up to the Phamily. I have watched this so many times, and each time, I become very emotional.
Chris is not alone. I receive emails with similar messages every day. Now it is time for your voice. Please remember, that I am just a voice, and that the REAL POWER of Phlearn is the PHAMILY.
How has Phlearn changed you? What does it mean to you? .
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