In this GIMP basics tutorial, I show you how to use the versatile and highly-useful “Transform Lock” feature to edit multiple layers simultaneously using transform tools. With this feature, you can move, scale, rotate, 3D transform, etc. multiple layers at once. I also show you some tips and tricks when it comes to selecting tool […]
Category: Youtube Gimp Tutorials
Screenshot [Bildschirmfoto] mit Gimp!
#Gimp #Screenshot #Bildschirmfoto In diesem kurzen #Video zeige ich, wie man mit #GIMP ohne zusätzliche #Programme #Screenshots erstellen kann. Viel #Freude beim #Schauen. Immer neuste Gimp Version benutzen! GIMP auch bei Partha Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr auf meinen #Tutorials euren #Adblocker ausschalten könntet. Das würde mir sehr […]
Best Way to Steal Color Grading from Photos | Darktable Tutorial
Want to steal color grading from another photo? Darktable, the free image editing and RAW processing software, allows you to easily do just that using a simply and effective tool that’s built right in to the program! Quickly and accurately steal the color grading from any photo with this beginner friendly tutorial! Visit our website […]