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Category: Youtube Photoshop Tutorials
New in Adobe Photoshop Elements 11
Check out the latest and greatest features in Photoshop Elements 11, including a modern look, easier ways to share and organize, eye-popping illustration filters, and Guided Edits that help you create vignettes, tilt-shift blurs, and high-key and low-key effects. Follow Photoshop Elements: http://facebook.com/PhotoshopElements Tweets by AdobeElements
Simple Fixes with Photoshop Elements 11
Learn three simple ways to adjust exposure, brightness, and/or contrast in your photos. The Instant Fix option in the Organizer offers great results fast. Quick Edit mode in the Editor workspace gives you a bit more control with sliders and adjustment previews. And the Brightness and Contrast Guided Edit offers step-by-step assistance so you can […]